The services we offer under these programs can include:
Social Support – Group: Assists people to participate in community life and develop social connections through group-based activities.
Social Support – Individual: Assists people individually to participate in community life and feel socially included.
Transport and personal assistance: Assistance with shopping, visiting health practitioners and attending social activities.
You will have been assessed by My Aged Care for the above services. If you are not sure if you are eligible please come have a yarn with us.
Services are generally provided Monday to Friday from 8.30am to 4.00pm.

Assessment and Reviews
To receive services from Sydney Region Aboriginal Corporation you would have been assessed by someone organised through My Aged Care. Our staff review the information from My Aged Care at your Service Commencement Meeting and obtain more information from you in order to develop a support plan for you. We will review or re-assess your support whenever you or our staff feel it is necessary or required, and at least once every 12 months.
Support Plan
When you commence services with us we develop a Support Plan with you based on the assessment and support needs identified by My Aged Care and with input from you on your needs and preferences. The Support Plan clearly shows:
The services you will receive
The days and times services will be delivered
Your preferences for how services will be delivered
Your goals for each service and
Any special requirements.
The Support Plan is important for ensuring you know what is going on and for staff to know what support to provide to you. The support plan is updated whenever your needs or preferences change. You will always be provided with a copy of your up to date support plan.